Marginality is also the site of radical possibility, a space of resistance. […] a site one stays in, clings to even, because it nourishes one’s capacity to resist. It offers the possibility of radical perspectives from which to see and create, to imagine alternatives, new worlds.
This is not a mythic notion of marginality. It comes from lived experience.” (bell hooks)
The COP27 is approaching, carrying all its manifest contradictions. We know only too well that the political and economic elites are not working for us, but against us. The COP26 unprecedented mobilization united those who seek social and climate justice under one same struggle. We want to remain united.
This is a call for a sharing of experiences, knowledge, visions, wills, desires and practices. For a time of commonality and planning. We want to share local struggles from the shores of the Mediterranean and to address the geographies of colonisation of peoples, resources, relations, narratives and histories. We aim to open paths of reparation, care and struggle, locally – towards the South of Italy – and globally. The CONVOCATORIA ECOLOGISTA is meant as a space where international solidarity is the drive. Where we hope to build new models of interconnection and collective resistance – both as self-determination and through a vision making us united in the differences. Where we aim to share ecological practices and strategies through propositions bypassing any dychotomy.
We want our gathering to be based on intersectionality, where the understanding of the ecological blackmail relates to the processes of marginalization, also intended as epistemic violence. Meaning the expropriation of knowledge and community practices, which are the main strands at the basis of the virtuous relationship knowledge-power.
The South of Italy is a place where the historic perspective of internal colonization is entrenched with the ecological crisis. A territory that has been marginalized while being contaminated. A region where the ecosystems and the communities have been broken both from within and across their mutual interdependency. We will reflect on the geo-political implications of relations, imageries and resources. On upcoming systems to be conceived as/by local and global communities.
On the one side, we aim to re-politicize the condition of structural violence embedded in our bodies and in our territories, by facing the manifold forms of domination (heteropatriarchy, coloniality, anthropocentrism, extractivism) as well as the contradictions of capitalistic exploitation forms harming the social reproduction. On the other one, we hope to re-invent, re-articulate and blend the many practices and direct actions that allow us to resist the end of the month and the end of the world.